LESSONS from a homeless shelter
This is what I learned:
I was way more judgmental and opinionated than I ever thought about the homeless population. I didn’t have near the grace I thought I had either. It’s easy to love the lovable but that isn’t what Christ called us to do. It was really easy to give pat answers and walk out the door.Then I got to know “those” people.
I learned that our country’s mental health system is very broken. Many families cannot care for people struggling with their mental health, people forget to take medicine, can’t afford medicine and often need to be reminded to take care of themselves.
I learned it really is next to impossible to support a family on minimum wage. Your one and only car breaks down. You choose, do you pay rent or pay to fix your car so you can get to your job?
I learned that many older women who stayed at home to raise children and care for a home are tired and defeated when divorce happens . Starting all over is very hard.
I learned that hard working men’s bodies have broken down and they can’t carry shingles, pour concrete or do the hard stuff anymore. So who hires them?
I’ve learned that our veterans are treated poorly in this country and so many are homeless not getting the services they need and deserve.
I learned if you can’t read very well, don’t know how to operate a computer it’s hard to apply for a job.
I learned some homeless people have college degrees.
I’ve learned illiteracy still exists in America.
I learned that if you don’t have a car, phone, nice clothes, a decent haircut, teeth or the money to purchase those you aren’t hired as quickly.
I learned that if you have served your time in jail, it’s hard to put down references and job skills.
I’ve learned that many, many children have come from severely emotionally, physically and sexually abusive homes and have grown up to be very broken adults.
I’ve learned there are way more single mothers trying to raise children on their own than I ever imagined.
I’ve learned that many women have stayed in abusive relationships way too long.
I’ve learned that people where English is not their first language have a difficult time getting a legal job.
I learned that to get about any job you need at least your GED. It’s hard to go back to school at any age.
I learned alcohol and drug addictions don’t care who they destroy.
I learned there are adults who have never learned to drive.
I learned there are many grandparents raising their grandchildren.
I learned many people have absolutely no support system , healthy friends or family to walk along side of them.
I’ve learned many people have not heard the gospel, never been to church or opened a Bible.
I’ve learned many people have some really screwed up ideas who God is.
I’ve learned many people need someone to care.
I’ve learned people need a purpose and most feel like they have none.
I’ve learned to be the hands and feet of Jesus you get out of your comfort zone.
I’ve learned loving like Christ is and should be a sacrifice.
I’ve learned homelessness does not discriminate.
Kellie K Kreutz