In 2024, Crossroads Mission Avenue provided 232,189 meals, not only to our guests but also to our needy neighbors through meals, in addition to 11,768 food boxes.
Any individual in the community can come to Crossroads Mission Avenue to receive a meal or a food box. There are no requirements that an individual needs to meet. Crossroads is a non-barrier food pantry. Each Crossroads location provides three hot meals per day to our guests, and anyone with food insecurities can join us during mealtimes, or request a food box simply by calling the shelter, 7 days a week / 24 hours a day.
Crossroads Mission Avenue partners with Food Bank for the Heartland to sponsor a monthly mobile food distribution in Lexington. The food pantry is on the first Thursday of every month at 3pm, at the Dawson County Fairgrounds, 1000 Plum Creek Parkway in Lexington (see map below).
If you are in need of a food box, contact your local Crossroads Mission Avenue
2024 Statistics
Community Meals Provided
Food Boxes Provided
In 2024, the Crossroads Mission Avenue Food Recovery Program provided over 1,495,000 pounds of food resources to 19 food pantries throughout Central, South Central, and South West Nebraska, feeding countless families in need!
Food Box Services
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
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